
Disaster & Emergency Management

Learn about effective measures and strategies of disaster and emergency management in compliance with international standards.

Course Description

Our Disaster & Emergency Management programs are designed by professionals and experts for healthcare professionals like you.

Hospital emergency management is a continuous process requiring the seamless integration of planning and response efforts with local and national programs.
The principles outlined in this program include the WHO and other reputable organizations’ recommendations, are applicable to a range of contingencies and based on an all-hazards approach.
The program aims to assist hospital administrators and emergency managers in responding effectively to the most likely disaster scenarios including current hospital-based emergency management principles and best practices and integrates priority action required for rapid, effective response to a critical event. The principles and recommendations may be used by hospitals at any level of emergency preparedness.
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Our Subject Areas Include:

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Overview of disaster and emergency management in hospitals

The training course is designed to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively respond to and manage disasters in hospital environments. The course covers a wide range of topics, including the definition of disasters in a hospital setting, different types and categories of disasters that may occur, and critical factors that must be considered in preparation for a disaster. By participating in this course, healthcare professionals will gain a deeper understanding of the key elements of disaster and emergency management and will be better equipped to prepare and respond to emergencies in a hospital setting. This course is essential for all healthcare workers who want to ensure the safety of their patients and colleagues, and who are committed to providing high-quality, effective care during disasters.

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Disaster management policy

Specifically designed for healthcare professionals and medical workers. It offers a comprehensive understanding of the policies and procedures related to disaster management in hospitals. Through this course, medical and non-clinical personnel will gain insights into the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders during a disaster, and the key elements of an effective disaster management policy. The course focuses on best practices and real-life lessons to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to develop and implement disaster management policies in their organizations. By taking this course, healthcare professionals will become better prepared to effectively respond to and manage disasters, thereby ensuring the safety and well-being of their patients and colleagues. Whether you are a policy maker, first responder, or other disaster management professional, this course is a must-have tool to enhance your disaster preparedness skills.

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Emergency conditions in healthcare organizations

The training course on Emergency conditions in healthcare organizations covers important topics such as color coding systems, preparation for emergency situations, and effective evacuation planning and execution. Participants will learn about the significance of color coding systems in emergency situations and how to prepare themselves and the organization for such events. The course also provides in-depth guidance on the essential components of a successful evacuation plan and the importance of conducting evacuation drills for planning, execution, and evaluation purposes.

The curriculum will feature a combination of live virtual class sessions, small group application exercises, pre-work and vigorous discussions.

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One big advantage to working in healthcare standards consulting and accreditation for as long as I have is that you develop a lot of relationships with experts. This serves Temos Academy well, as we’re able to have people we know and trust, who are also invested in improving patient care worldwide, to deliver our courses and corporate training programs.”
image Claudia
Dr. Claudia Mika
CEO & Founder, Temos International
The subject areas covered by our courses will be increasing in the coming months, so in order to ensure you don’t miss out on any new additions, we recommend that you keep this page bookmarked and check back periodically to see what’s new.

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