Quality Management & Accreditation
Learn about theoretical and practical aspects of quality assurance at the micro and macro levels of healthcare delivery.
Course Description
Quality Management & Accreditation programs designed by healthcare professionals for healthcare professionals like you.

Our Subject Areas Include:

Temos Approved Consultants
Temos Academy proudly presents its brand-new and most highly anticipated training program "Temos Approved Consultants." This training course is designed for healthcare professionals aiming to become Temos-certified consultants and covers everything from Temos standards interpretation to ethical practices.

Temos Medical Standards: Version 3.0
This comprehensive program is thoughtfully crafted to serve Temos accredited partners and all interested organizations and individuals by acquainting them with the exciting updates within the new version of our medical standards.

Assessor Initial Training
Temos Academy introduces its new training program “Assessor Initial Training'' that aims to prepare healthcare professionals for their careers as accreditation assessors or surveyors. This program provides them with the necessary skills and knowledge to start their roles with confidence.

Quality Management Systems in healthcare facilities
Developed to help healthcare facilities understand the principles of QMS and accreditation. It will also help hospital administrators understand specific requirements for aligning core healthcare processes and support processes for a total quality management system (TQM).

Quality improvement tools for healthcare services
Gain valuable insights and learn practicable techniques about the healthcare industry’s most essential quality-improvement tools. This can help you guide your organization through a program of improving your services to deliver safer and more reliable care.

Development of KPIs for quality management
In the healthcare industry, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are an integral tool for measuring quality. Discover how using KPIs to their fullest extent can help your healthcare organization build an effective and robust monitoring and improvement system.

Quality in customer satisfaction and patient loyalty
Apply new insights into continuity of care and patient management, to improve service quality. This can impact day-to-day work and long-term strategic priorities pertaining to customer satisfaction, patient experience, and patient loyalty.

Principles of quality-control audits in healthcare facilities
Quality-control audits are crucial to quality-improvement programs. Learn how audits work to improve quality of hospital care, and how to implement an effective quality-control audit system and other improvement processes within your healthcare organization.